So far the first two days of Spring term have been good. I have picked up the following tidbits of knowledge:
1. “We’ll do introductions first and then the syllabus because people are more important than things” – Doctrine and Covenants Professor. I LOVE this professor. She is such an amazing teacher that I spend half of my time taking teacher notes and the other half notes about the gospel.
2. “To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, get inspiration and comfort and be a source of motivation for a needed change” – Elder Richard G. Scott. Consequently, one of our assignments is memorizing three new scriptures; technically, it is making three new friends. Feel free to join me on this one. I am super excited to finally make time for this important counsel from an apostle of the Lord.
3. IEP: Individualized Education Program. Not Plan. It isn’t that important, but now I know.
4. Special Education was legally mandated in 1975 – it all started with Brown vs. the Board of Education and allowing ‘colored’ people into the schools. Then we moved to allow students with disabilities into the classroom.
5. Our frontal lobes don’t fully develop until age 25. “Just so you know, my frontal lobe is developed so I am superior here” – Humanities Professor. She is also the dictator of the class and a benevolent despot (see 6). And the top of your head is the pressure point for alertness. She’s never been to Disneyland. And her dad hit her head with a 4×12 (I don’t think those exist) when she was little (and it sounded like an accident). And she loves cats. And the Simpsons. And I think this class is going to be very interesting. She does make Humanities interesting, at least on the first day – I have high hopes.
6. Despot: A ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically exercising it cruelly. Now that I know what a despot is, I’m not sure how I feel about the combination of benevolent despot – where on the continuum would a person fall on that one?
In other news, Andrew and I made a goal at the beginning of the year to bike 1000 miles this summer. Today we eased into things with a nice 4 mile bike ride. We’ve added a mile tracker to the right of your screen, so we can all casually keep track of this potentially crazy adventure.
And this was our Christmas tree. This post is now complete.
Okay. This post is fantastic. You make me so happy! And I’m loving your special education knowledge. ;)
Also, I’m very impressed with your 1000 miles of bike riding goals. That’s so fun!
I really like this blog. I’m so glad you posted it on fb. We should hang out sometime this spring or even just do lunch again soon. I also love your goal of biking 1000 miles! Good luck! ;)