Emily jumping in on the picture taking action, tickling and kisses included.
I love Emily’s laugh, blurry and all.
Despite some pretty long days, I am shocked we have hit the halfway point to meeting our little baby. This pregnancy has been completely unique, for the good and bad. A lot sicker, but no sciatic nerve pain from six weeks on. I began to feel a little movement around 16 weeks and by 17 weeks even Andrew was feeling punches, and last time is was well past 22 weeks before we felt much if anything. I don’t look up how big and how many days this baby is every day. I spend a lot of time not thinking about being pregnant.
But I love the quiet moments when Emily is napping or in bed for the night and this baby and I have some solid one on one time. That is when I think about the sweet child that in only a few short months will be a huge part of our daily happenings. I wonder about this child’s personality and if they will look like Emily. I try to come up with battle plans for getting two kids out of the house and back again. I think about the day I will get to hold this baby in my arms for the first time, because now I know how amazing that moment is thanks to Miss Emily. And every once in awhile I let myself really hope that labor will be shorter than 26 hours but still complication free.
All three of us piled into the car at 8:15am to head to the ultrasound. The power had gone out the night before so it took a long time for the machine to be up and running succesfully. We all watched our little baby on a tiny screen as they found ten fingers, ten toes, a heartbeat, lots of organs, measured the size of the head, and showed us a profile as well as a 3D ultrasound (which we decided wasn’t our favorite, to be honest) of this baby.
After meeting with the doctor we drove Andrew to campus, calling my family members one at a time to tell them the news. We prefaced the details and then asked Emily the important questions, “Boy or Girl?”
She exclaimed without hesitation every time, “Boy!”.
Sooooo sweet!!
Yay!!!! That was my guess!