Today you are two months old! You are an absolute joy to have in our home. At least once a day you give us a really good smile and sometimes an excited shout or almost giggle; we still aren’t sure that you know you are smiling, but it is cute!
Emily you love to look at the world around you. Your eyes are often very wide as you look around. Lately you have been very insistent that we walk around while you hold your head up high and look over our shoulder. It is fun to see your curiosity continue to grow.
Tummy time is still not enjoyed. Lately it had been hated. We know this because you have become quite vocal when you are frustrated. Your repertoire of noises seems to grow daily with new squeals or exclamations. You LOVE to stand up and hold yourself straight. We think you might skip crawling and go right to walking.
You and Dad are buddies. This morning I overheard you guys talking about being excited about watching the BYU basketball game together. You cooperate very well when he changes your diaper and talk about what clothes you want to wear. Yesterday you had a secret daddy daughter project and surprised me with flowers.
You got your first cold a little before Thanksgiving break and it is still hanging around. It isn’t your favorite and we keep trying to help keep your nose as clean as possible. We are very grateful for the bulb syringe we got from the hospital. Also that we have a flat rate utility bill so that we can turn the shower into a giant humidifier which is also aiding to your comfort during this time of sickness.
You have been a fantastic sleeper the last few weeks. We have a pretty good schedule of you going to bed around nine and not waking up until five or six in the morning to eat. Then we all go back to bed until eight or nine. During the day we have all sorts of different activities going on so your naps aren’t that consistent, but you usually sleep for an hour or two in the snug a bunny swing during the afternoon.
Your waking up routine is my favorite. It involves ten plus minutes of stretching and wiggling. You ALWAYS arch your back, pull your legs up into your stomach, and put your arms under your chin while moving your head back and forth. This particular stretch lasts about a minute and you hold it so well nothing can interrupt. This is followed by a variety of other moves including rubbing your eyes, which is adorable.
You are a morning person. Our best chance of seeing a smile is when you wake up after sleeping eight or nine hours. We caught you in the act this morning.
At night you are either somber or upset. We took this picture last night and you started somber but by the time the picture was snapped…
You really do a great job of sitting by yourself. However the skateboard is on wheels and you kept trying to take it for a spin so your dad is helping to keep the skateboard, and you, in one place. Uncle Derick will be so excited with your new trick I think.
You have another uncle, Sam, who is serving a mission in Scotland and Ireland (he’s in Scotland for the moment but he started in Ireland). Last Christmas before you were even on the way he sent us two pairs of baby christmas socks without a note or explanation. We thanked him for the ear warmers. That is why you are a Christmas sock-wearing skateboarder. Uncle Sam is thrilled you are around to really use his present and we are too!
We love you Emily!
I love that it takes her 10 minute to wake up! Olivia goes from sleeping to running in .2 seconds. Happy two months to Emily!
Emily is a lucky girl to have such great parents!