I’ve now been pregnant longer than I had any one roommate in college (except Andrew of course), so this little girl and I are pretty good friends by now. I’m used to having a buddy with me all the time, and it kind of makes me nervous/sad to leave the known pregnancy stage and jump into the biggest unknown that I’ve ever begun in my 22 years of life. That being said, I can’t wait to see the little feet that kick me and the body that squirms around.
New developments in the last few weeks:
My wedding ring technically doesn’t fit that well most of the time. I am still trying to get away with wearing just my wedding band, but even that is a bit iffy at times.
If I’m not wearing shoes, them my stomach hits the counter at its furthest sticking-out-point, which makes doing the dishes a little more awkward because my arms need to be more outstretched (still happy to do them though!).
Speaking of shoes, I now rarely wear shoes that require me to bend over to tie them. Actually anything that requires bending over, while still feasible, is extremely uncomfortable because some body part of our little girl hits some nerve or organ in the above the rib area and it HURTS (this has changed in the last few days, see three points lower).
I now feel her hiccups on a regular basis. Supposedly she has been having hiccups for months, I just never felt them until this last week.
I thought a good nights sleep was rare weeks ago…HA! Now I’m lucky to get in a few hours total. I might have a head start on the whole zombie/motherhood thing.
On Monday she dropped quite a bit lower. This means that she now can’t get her feet under my ribs! I think that she must have more room to stretch out because she now moves all the time.
I’ve made lots of progress in the baby preparation department! All the newborn-3 month clothes that were generously given to us are washed and put away in drawers, along with other essential items like blankets and washcloths. I’ve decided that little girls clothes are really cute after all now that I’m weeks away from putting our little girl in them! The baby swing that someone gave us has been cleaned and is basically ready for use (we still need to find a 6V AC adapter which didn’t make it in the hand-off). The pack n play that we will use as her crib and car seat have also been washed. We’ve got a pediatrician lined up and all the insurance hoops have been jumped through (so far…). Andrew and I have had our official hospital tour so we now know what doors to enter instead of walking in the completely wrong entrance and ending up way far away from the labor and delivery area. I’ve also been making a decent amount of progress stocking up our freezer with meals for after she arrives.
In the last 48 hours I’ve begun to feel rather tired and a bit sick, so I’m grateful that I’ve already got the have-tos and some wants taken care of.
You’re almost there!! I finally had the opportunity get caught up on your posts today. It’s been a crazy few weeks trying to get situated with school! But I’m nearing the end of the crazy part. Phew!!!
You look so cute and I love reading about your little buddy! What fun you will have. Just enjoy this stage! Things will get crazy as your family gets older. This stage is just like playing house! Get out and about a lot and show that cute little girl all the world she’s been waiting so long to come and see!!! Have a great day! Xx, michelle