I can’t believe I’ve got two weeks left until my due date! At this point I know that in four weeks MAX we will be holding our little girl, so I’m feeling rather patient. Andrew and I attended all of our childbirth/newborn/cpr+first aid classes and had the car seat checked so we know we can take her home from the hospital. Some ladies at our church here in Indiana had a baby shower for us on Saturday and generously gave us the last few things on our needs list and some fun extras (Dr. Seuss board books!). We are so grateful for everyone’s kindness here. We did some final organizing and rearranging in our apartment yesterday so we have room for everything; well Andrew did and I enthusiastically watched :)
We are feeling as ready as we are going to be. She dropped even lower two days ago so even my maternity pants/skirts are feeling a little snug; the doctor said today she is as low as she needs to be so I’m hoping that this is the last discomfort adjustment I need to make in the next few weeks. He said everything looks good to go and now we are just waiting for some strong contractions to start. He seems to think she will be here soon (I’m skeptical so that I don’t get my hopes up). She has total control over the shape of my stomach now, which is rarely round. She always has some limb poking out or will have most of her weight on my right or left side, creating quite a lopsided shape for me to work with. It is fun to see her getting bigger and moving around. This has made sleep even more difficult though and I often spend at least a few hours a night on the couch so I can sort of sit and sleep. I usually have some braxton hicks contractions in the evenings which at first was exciting but now it is just part of my nightly routine.
We are excited to meet our little girl soon!
You look so good! I’ve started to swell and I am NOT excited about that pregnancy adjustment :-)
Congrats on 38 weeks. So EXCITING!!!
P.S. How are you on baby clothes? I just inherited more boxes than I can count from my sisters-in-law this past weekend. Let me know if you need anything!
That is NOT a fun adjustment! I only really struggled with swelling when we were driving across the country, so I’ve been really lucky. I hope you can find relief somehow. You are so kind to offer clothes – I think we are doing okay. She already has more socks than I’ve ever owned in my entire life :)