Dear Lydia,
You are an absolute joy and everyone wants to be your best friend.
You’ve started giggling and laughing and we all try to do things to get you started. So far Emily waving a sheet around seems to be the funniest thing to you, or watching her while we walk down the stairs.
It is so fun to watch you hold yourself up when you are on your tummy now, just watching everyone and everything around you. You are able to roll from your back, onto your side, and occasionally make it all the way to your tummy. And every once in a while you go from your tummy to your back.
There was a rough patch where you stopped sleeping well at night, but it seems like you’ve turned the corner and are back to sleeping in long 5-8 hour stretches again. We rearranged our bedroom so you have more of your own space instead of being right next to the bed.
You are incredibly vocal. You squeal and yell and coo and “chat” at great volume. It used to be just when you were tired, but now it is a lot of the time that you are awake. We love hearing your voice.
You enjoy going on walks and being outside. You are often hanging out in the bouncy chair in the driveway while we work on projects or the big kids play and you are content to stay until you get tired.
The only place you eat well now is in the bedroom when it is just the two of us. Otherwise there is too much to listen to and look at. Even still, your favorite way to eat right now is to nurse for a moment, then look up at me and smile. Then nurse for a moment, then look up at me and smile. Over and over again. You also love rubbing your hand over my shirt the entire time you are eating, unless you are swaddled and your hands are clasped together.
We love you so much Lydia. It is a joy to have you in our family.
She is SO CUTE!!!