Dear Lydia,
You are an absolute delight.
You are finding your voice and wake up exploring your vocal range and abilities. Lots of squeals and squeaks and if it has been too long, shouts.
Laughing comes easily to you. You love looking in the mirror and dancing with me. You love seeing Emily jump and dance in front of you and will giggle. Walking downstairs almost always brings squeals of joy and chuckle, especially if someone is following behind you for you to look at.
When you wake up you often look confused and wonder what is going on and then start making eye contact and your face lights up with a big smile.
You easily roll into your stomach and hold your head up high. You are starting to grab at things and put it in your mouth. Laura is thrilled you actually want to be shared with and enjoys playing her flower game near you.
Emily spends a lot of time holding you and walking around with you.
Nathan loves spending time with just the two of you. He clarified he is baby watching, not baby sitting.
You received teething rings for Christmas and you are rapidly figuring out how to hold them yourself and chew away on them. This also means you are constantly wet with drool and we try to keep bibs on you for more layers of protection.
You LOVE ukelele music. While we drove to Iowa on our two day adventure you just sat quietly in the car for the first few hours each day. By the afternoon you were crying but as soon as we put on a CD with the ukelele you stopped crying. When there was narration between tracks you started crying again and then stopped as soon as the music started.
You also love it when I play my ukelele and you roll and watch with rapt attention. Even when you are exhausted it will calm you down.
Sleep is a roller coaster – sometimes you sleep for hours on end and other times we are up with you every hour or two through the night.
We all love you so much. We love having you talk with us and join the conversation. We are so grateful for your smiles and joy.
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