I’ve been trying figure out my long term direction for awhile now, identifying the kind life I want to live and trying to create it. I’m still at the beginning of this journey that I suspect will last a lifetime, but I’ve decided on these four principles as my starting place: Inspired, Intentional, Simple, and Present.
I’m starting with Present. I recently read post about Rejecting Busy which has been the catalyst for some deep thinking on the topic of being present. I’ve realized that when I say “I’m really busy” or “I have a lot going on” then I get in the habit of thinking what I can do next instead of just enjoying what I’m doing now. I think it also gives off the vibe that I don’t have time to be with or help anyone else or I am in a rush to get to the next thing. As I’ve been reading the New Testament I’m amazed with how incredibly full Jesus’s days were. He was busy! But when I read his words or of his interactions with people, he is never rushing trying to haphazardly get to everyone or stressing out because he is tired. He is living in the moment, valuing the person or people he is with with his time and attention.
I’m still exploring what a present life means. So far: I’m trying to put away electronics during the day, except when both kids are sleeping and I’ve done my essential things so that I’m not distracted and I don’t feel interrupted. I’m trying to not think about to-dos or what I could fill this space of time with when I’m playing with Emily and Nathan. I’m making eye contact during conversations and not letting my mind wander. I’m deciding what I really want to do with my “spare” time and embracing that and the joy it brings instead of meandering on facebook.
I’m finding I feel gratitude throughout the day as I live in the present. I’m grateful for the hot, sweaty kids I put to bed at naptime after a morning we spent at the park. I’m grateful to see Nathan start to really get the hang of grabbing something he wants and put it directly in his mouth. I’m grateful for the nuggets of wisdom Emily shares with me during the day (while pushing her on the swing yesterday- she now LOVES underdogs and going high – she quietly said, “Swinging makes me smile. I’m so happy.” We talked today about how we lived in heaven before we came to earth without bodies and that when we die our bodies will stay on earth and our spirits will go to heaven and she said, “That is so sad not to have our bodies” – she really gets this fundamental part of the plan of happiness. She walked/climbed up a ladder that was vertical, then horizontal bars and then vertical again today that was high enough that I could only reach her on my tip toes at the top. As she was going her whole body was shaking and she said, “This part is very scary” but she kept going without any encouragement from me and gave a radiating smile at the top that inspired me). I’m grateful for the time Andrew and I have to share in our successes and support each other in the hard things.
These pictures were requested and set up entirely by Emily.
Nathan had a major development spurt this last week and it is amazing to watch him.
This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I love the four principles you’ve decided to work on. Thank you for inspiring me!
Danielle thank you for your comment. It is good to hear from you – I miss talking with you! I love the little glimpses via Instagram I see of your family.
Thank you for this! You inspire me. Every time I read your blog it reminds me of the kind of mom and person that I want to be. Also, I think Nathan and my new little Isaac look kind of similar, so I like seeing the baby I’ll be playing with in a few months. :)
Thank you Mary. I went back and took a good look at Isaac’s pictures and you are right, they do look pretty similar! Some good Jackson genes :)
That was amazing! I’ve had some similar thoughts- and yours are much more beautiful and developed than mine! Thank you for sharing your testimony in your posts. Emily is truly amazing! I love how she is understanding the need for our bodies! That is so great. Happy day. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Andrea. I’d love to hear what you’ve been thinking about too!
This post is so great – thank you so much for sharing this! What an inspiring set of principles.