Dear Lydia,
The world is getting bigger and more exciting to you. You have discovered you can grab things. This is huge. You now hold teething rings and toys to chew many of your waking moments. We are also adjusting to you reaching for things while we hold you and eat or read or some other task that you try and take part of.
A few days ago you were determined to grab Laura’s pink water cup. Laura ran to get you a teething ring but you weren’t interested in it and kept trying to grab her cup. This was the first time I’ve seen you deliberately want something and try to get it.
You are starting to add your own voice to the mix. There will be moments when all the kids are speaking at once and you’ve started twisting around in my arms and talking to me too.
You are very strong and mobile on the ground. We can’t safely leave you on the couches or beds any more because you do and will roll off of them. You hold your head up incredibly high when you are on your tummy which gives you greater momentum into your rolls.
You are sleeping pretty well at night again and going to sleep earlier. I nurse you lying down at night so now you go to sleep for all naps with your head to the side and reaching up a bit. You love to sleep with your pacifier but you also keep pulling it out of your own mouth. You spend a lot of time crying in frustration and confusion about why it keeps getting taken away from you. When you do get it again you put it in sideways and gag yourself a bit. We will try and swaddle your arms just so you can rest but unless Dad does it your arms just shoot right out again (he swaddles you very tightly).
You adore all of your sisters and brother, smiling at them when they come into the room. In fact the only way you eat is if it is just the two of us in quiet room; otherwise you want to see what is going on. If Dad starts talking to me, even quietly, you will either look at him adoringly and think it’s a funny joke or burst into tears if you want to just eat.
Emily made you carriage out of a cardboard box padded with pillows and blankets that you get pushed around all over the house in. You seem to enjoy it and are content to go wherever you are pushed. If you see me walk by and you are hungry or tired you give a desperate little laugh and stare at me with a laser focus until I come get you.
You love music and will hold off on being fussy when I play the ukulele for you. Laura knows you love it and will play for you too a lot.
Anytime you need a teething ring or burp cloth both Emily and Laura are so quick to jump in and help.
I love seeing how you look at Nathan. You think the world of him.
You tried sweet potatoes as your first food. You didn’t think it was a big deal at all and had zero problems eating at the dinner table with all of us. Everyone else was super excited for you though.
Lydia you bring so much joy to our family. It is clear that you love being here with us and we are so grateful. I had the sense ever since I was a few weeks pregnant with you that you really wanted to come to earth and be with us and I see that still every day.
I can’t believe you have 4 kids!!!! So so cute!!!