Finals week has always been one of my favorite as a college student. This phenomenon links back to my eight year old days when my mom read us the first Harry Potter. The description of their examinations seemed magical to me, just like everything else in the book. So final exams week is my chance each semester to live in Hogwarts.
This year has been interesting because instead of living in the library studying for tests and pretending it is the Griffindor Common room, I just present group projects. I can’t seem to stay away from campus for too long though so I have spent some time just talking to people in a similar predicament. And helping Andrew with his projects.
We stayed in the Snell building until 11:00pm Monday night, working on his photography project. I would have to say it was a blast! He had three main prompts: take pictures from your childhood, a picture with a sun flare, and I’m not sure about the other one because I didn’t help with it.
He had a super clever idea to take pictures of things he had broken as a child – while they were breaking. This meant that I spent a couple of hours smashing plates, glass orbs, a lightbulb, and an attempt at a lamp, while he worked to capture the action on his camera. It was super cathartic – I think this should be a new end of semester tradition.
The next morning he needed to get a picture of a sun flare, but it was conveniently raining. So we headed back to the Snell while he set up different lights to get something that worked. I just sat in a chair and played the guitar while he snapped away. He did some great work – And he looks really good with a camera!
And the formula for the perfect night=
Oceans 12(7:00pm) + raspberry cheesecake hotfudge Shake and fries(9:00pm *JCW’s)+Oceans 13(10:00pm)
Ooookay. You guys are the coolest couple I know. Just sayin.