For my birthday present this year we all went on a nature walk around the botanical gardens. The weather was absolutely perfect today – cool but not cold with a warm sun.
When we got out of the car and started walking Laura shouted, “I’m so excited!!!”
The first part of our walk was through the formal botanical gardens. It was fun to identify the plants with the help of the sign and see so many beautiful and landscaped gardens. The rose section of the flower garden was a particular favorite of Emily.
Lydia – for the first time ever – really enjoyed being carried in the Ergo. She wasn’t the least bit grumpy and actually took a nap on the go which she normally refuses to do. Nathan said he was glad I didn’t have to carry her with my arms so that I could hold his hand.
Laura sang songs that she made up as we walked through the trails while holding a huge leaf she found and one flower she picked. Emily collected pine needles for weaving and every other beautiful nature thing she could find, turning her hat into a bag tied around her waist. Nathan found a single nut that he held onto. All of the kids walked happily the entire time.
We knew the trail went along a river and saw a trickle of stream and figured that was it. We were discussing how surprising it was the there was so little water after the rain when we walked around a bend and saw a rushing river that was so high trees were deep in water.
Andrew spotted a large spider along the trail that was the biggest I’ve seen yet in GA with a 2 -3 inch long body (plus legs).
The kids did a great job navigating and finding the trail that was covered in leaves. Everyone scampered up and down the hills and over tree branches without a problem.
It is still mind boggling that it has been an entire year since we went there last. I can’t wrap my head around how quickly time has past this year because it seems like we were just there. But I wasn’t even pregnant with Lydia yet. But even the kids felt like it hadn’t been that long.
I’m so grateful for a perfectly wonderful, soul filling adventure. Our whole family NEEDED this and I’m grateful to we took the time to be together outside.
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