After a bitter cold winter that kept us indoors for months, we are ready to get out and do. Many of our weekends so far have been rainy days so we have been working on some random fun projects to help get us through more days inside. Home Depot is becoming our go-to place for supply acquisition.
Emily has been hanging out in the small space behind the glider in her bedroom since we put it in there at Christmas.
Andrew and I though she might enjoy a little fort and decided to try our hand at making a teepee. It was really spur of the moment and we headed off without any real plans.
We spent a lot of time trying to figure out all of our options for poles, settling on four shovel handles, minus the shovel. We picked up a sheet set from Walmart to get lots of fabric for very little money.
At home we helped Andrew drill holes in the handles to wrap the twine through and then got it standing up. He and Emily had a lot of fun playing peek-a-boo and we quickly learned this was a great idea.
This took us all the way to dinner, when we neatly tucked the project away for a few weeks. On Tuesday it was raining again so I pulled out the poles and fabric and thought I would go ahead and sew the teepee. After measuring the dimensions with Emily it became apparent this would not be a fun mother-daughter activity. We settled on just draping the sheet around the poles and using two clamps to hold it in place. Emily doesn’t seem to mind the unfinished nature of the project one bit. I’m hopeful that I will finish it up soon, but this set up works perfectly for now!
This is so great Jess! I love it, so simple but emily loves it