When I was watching the Mom Conference in October I came across a free webinar on the Power of Moms all about organization. The tagline read, “Are you ready to tame your task list and get things done in a stress-free and efficient way WHILE prioritizing motherhood?”. YES YES YES!
I dedicated 50 minutes of my time to watching the webinar. I logged off thrilled about the new way to organize my task list by turning it into a contextual next actions list. I was also a little bummed that I would need to spend some money to learn the rest of the system to have an organized life. April Perry clearly laid out the books that she based her Mind Organization for Moms system on at the beginning of the webinar. I put them on hold from the library, determined to figure this out for myself without a price tag.
And this is where my resolutions began to read Getting Things Done and Flylady. I did read them, and I loved them. I caught the vision for “stress free productivity, mind-like-water” living. I would love to have every idea, goal, plan, email, and paper in its place and have the reviewed frequently. I want to be able to be present with my mind because everything is off my brain and knows it will be attended to. I dream (or daydream…) of being able to fall asleep instead of having a mind that won’t stop running.
I shared the books with my mom and we’ve been discussing them. We’ve been trying to implement them. And we’ve been wondering how other moms are doing it: the details of their system, the tools they are using, and the finer points of aligning the Getting Things Done methodology with motherhood. We’ve watched everything you can about the Mind Organizations for Mom course on repeat, trying to glean all the details we can out of them (overview, part 1, part 2). The more I watched, the more questions I had, and the more I wanted to set up my very own machine to last me through the next decades of life. I want to see if the Mind Organization for Moms Premium Course can really teach me how to do all those things. I want to see if it is worth the price tag.
I’m sharing my journey with you, because if it works, this is a liberating system to have at the start of motherhood to carry us all through. I’ll be shouting it from the rooftops. I reached out to Power of Moms and they gave me complimentary access to the Mind Organization for Moms course so I can share this adventure. I set up my two weeks of email assignments and my season of organizing has officially begun!
Here is my starting spot, a two year attempt at making a place for things that rapidly take over our kitchen table. Now they’ve just rapidly taken over the space.
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