Emily finished up her halloween candy last week. She’s put in her request for next years candy: “M&Ms, golf balls (Gobstoppers), spicy kids (sour patch kids) and purple mini mouse suckers.”
Emily cat made a reappearance during rest and read time by quietly scaling the shelves of our linen closet to reach my lipstick. Application was all her own.
Emily was at Joy School when I voted for the elections and Andrew voted on campus, so I didn’t realize she was paying much attention as we talked with friends about it and they held up their “I voted” stickers. A few nights later Andrew and I put bedtime to a vote during dinner to see who was tired. Emily raised her hand with us and then exclaimed, “We voted, let’s get a sticker!”
Emily loves loves loves brushing hair. She’s been brushing her own for a few months and mine for a few weeks. More recently she’s discovered if she trades the spray bottle and comb back and forth with Nathan he will patiently accept grooming while going about his usual adventures. When things get really quiet I can usually find a dripping wet Nathan with a soaked radius around him that trails around the house.
A new motherhood secret: a short power nap can be had by making my hair available for brushing.
Hehe! Some fantastic stories! Thanks for brightening my day.