My parents gave Emily “Guess How Much I Love You” very shortly after she was born. We’ve been reading it to her ever since. Any time Emily stretches her arms up high, typically during diaper changes, we say, “I love you as hiiiiiiiiigh as I can reach.” This usually brings on the giggles.
I wanted a way to remember these special moments. A few months ago I snapped a few pictures of Emily reaching way up high. I turned it into a silhouette (thank you photoshop and illustrator) and added our phrase below it. I made it 16×20 and found a $2 frame at goodwill that I painted. I decided to try painting it while Emily was awake and gave her an empty cardboard butter box for her to paint next to me. It was a hit!
Emily demonstrating her awesome reach.
At this point I figured I should probably print the sign. I couldn’t find any options less than $16, which seemed a little ridiculous to me. Andrew asked around and found a place on campus that did it for free. It was a great option, except that it got a little wet in the rain on the way home. The wrinkles will decrease with time… I hope.
Despite its imperfections, this print in Emily’s room is serving an important purpose. Emily knows it is her on the wall and she is proud of it. She also reaches her hands way up high and we say, “I love you as hiiiiiigh as I can reach” many times a day.
So darling!