In November I studied gratitude using the study guide from the Small Seed. It primed my heart in unexpected ways for this Christmas season. I am deeply grateful for the Savior, my family, and our circumstances. On Monday we spent the evening setting up our Christmas tree with Celtic Women Holiday playing on Pandora. Nathan loved playing in the box and Emily helped me with setting up every detail of the tree. The music led to Emily and Nathan joining in on the piano.
On Sunday Nathan stared open mouthed at the lights on the Christmas tree at church. Andrew and I highly anticipated the magic moment at our house. Nathan was every bit enamored as we suspected he would be and Emily loved having it completely dark with just the tree shining.
We used the moment to work on our family picture timer skills.
Last night once the kids were in bed I set about decorating. I made a little advent calendar with cardboard and wood glue for the #lighttheworld campaign at We are going to be doing them at breakfast in the morning. Emily has been loving watching the bible videos in addition to the Light the World videos. It just starts the day out right.
I did a bit of foraging for a large stick last night to hang our stockings on. Andrew got a chuckle when I came inside at 9:10pm wearing his coat and a headlamp with my latest decoration. He graciously helped me hang it despite it being in the middle of the BYU basketball game.
I set out our nativities this morning while Emily was at Joy School. They practiced the nativity story there and she came home Mary and assigned me the role of innkeeper and Nathan baby Jesus. As we ate lunch she knocked the air, asking if there was room in the inn. When I said no she asked if there was a stable. Round three of this she asked if we could make room in the inn. When I said there were lots of people and the rooms were full, she suggested unlocking the doors to let them out. With her newfound interest in Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, innkeeper, wise men, and shepherds, she was THRILLED to find the nativities in our living room. We also have little stars with the different names of Jesus on them that we will read scriptures about every other night.
I’m grateful for the joy this season naturally brings as we focus on Jesus Christ and serving and loving as he does.
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