Laura crawled over to join in the evening story reading. It was adorable and unexpected! Emily spent a lot of time pushing Laura around in a wood box. They both loved it, and if Laura started to tire Emily would give her the puppy and she would settle back in for more. Muffin eating party!…
Our house is often in the 50s or low 60s this winter because the heat isn’t working really well and the windows are old. We are trying to combat the frigid temperatures by wearing lots of layers and starting the day out with the coziness that only breakfast by candlelight can provide. Laura loves snuggling…
12 Months Old
Dear Laura, You are absolutely a delight and a very determined little girl. Laura you really, really want to feed yourself. When faced with the choice of independence or a full stomach, you choose independence every time. The amazing thing is that after a few rough weeks, you have figured out how to use a…
11 Months Old
Dear Laura, At eleven months you are learning so many new things quickly and it is a joy to watch you. You discovered how to climb up the stairs and play in the toilet in the same day! After weeks and weeks of playing at the bottom of the first step, it is a very…
9 Months
Dear Laura, At nine months old you are bursting with new skills and abilities all the time. In the last few weeks you’ve figured out how to get onto your hands and knees. You quickly added rocking back and forth, crawling backwards, and now the tentative crawl/dive forwards. It won’t be long before you are…
With Laura on the move, she discovers all sorts of things on her own. It was fun to look over and see her engaged with this toy. While I was making my sandals, Emily and Nathan were playing doctor. They constructed band-aids with construction paper and lots of tape. Emily used the fabric that we…
First Week Home
Transitioning from our week in Utah has been a little rough. We’ve all agreed that one week was too short to be ready to go home. It takes us two weeks to feel that pull to return to normalcy. We’ve also had the hardest getting everyone back on EST. Being two hours behind the rest…
Emily and Nathan were at school with their bibles and Emily would “read” a scripture and have Nathan repeat word for word, teaching him how to read. It was nonsensical but it sounded very scriptural. Andrew came home and cleaned off his bike and Emily ran out so they could clean hers too. Nathan helping…
Laura has discovered her hands. Anytime they pop into her line of vision she intently stares at them. A few days ago I saw her with both hands up like she was playing the piano. Emily has been really gentle with Laura but also enjoys Laura being a little bit bigger and stronger. I often…
Emily made this mobile out of sticks and pinecones a year ago as part of Joy School. Her friend’s new babies arrived shortly after but she patiently waited 8 months to excitedly share her present. Laura is finally starting to appreciate it. Playing with peg dolls and acting out a story (either Frozen, Nutcracker, or Chronicles…