Last Friday I went on a early morning run by myself through some nearby trails. The tempreture was ideal and the sunrise so perfect I couldn’t help but snap a few pictures as I went. Nathan is starting to be more adventurous at the park. Last week he began walking outside without holding my hand –…
Last night Nathan while I was nursing Nathan he sat up and pointed to a picture of Jesus. He said something that sounded like Jesus. I followed with, “Jesus”, which he repeated a few times. He went back to nursing, then sat up and pointed again. “Jesus.” He later found another picture of Jesus in…
In July our neighbors found the biggest caterpillar we’ve ever seen. They put it in a jar and we spent the next 48 hours watching it spin it cocoon. It was a fascinating process. We discovered after a few days of neighborhood excitement that this particular moth spends the entire winter in its cocoon, so…
Emily’s baby has a little red dress that my mom made for it around the time Nathan was born. She realized that she had a matching red dress and really wanted to put it on and take pictures with her baby. Then we realized that Nathan was wearing red too. Once everyone was in their…
I have a goal to run a half marathon by the end of the summer. I feel like the act would officially put this last year of physical craziness behind us, as well as keep me focused on truly strengthening my body to get better. Emily and Nathan are becoming quite the training buddies riding…
Emily has taken to wearing socks on all limbs. Currently she is sleeping with a green one and a red one on her hand, and three on one foot and one on the other. Here is just one example. We went shopping, just the three of us, to get as many diapers as would fit…
We gave Emily craft supplies for Christmas. This was our first (and so far, only) attempt to use them. We made a little girl with a pink dress that fit on Emily’s finger. She had her buddy with her for an hour or so going about her usual activities. I’ve reentered the kitchen after a…
Moments (via Grandma Moose)
*If it isn’t a grainy picture of Nathan, my mom gets the photo credit. I’m so glad she could document little moments of our first week together while I laid in bed. Hanging out with day old Nathan at the hospital. I just cannot get over his curly hair. I love how it always looks…
Today Emily and I had a little girls trip after my doctors appointment and before we went grocery shopping. We had free parfaits from chick-fil-a during the month of October and since yogurt is just about her most favorite food, we thought it would be a fun adventure. I’m glad we took the time to…
Back when we were doing our Under the Sea theme week, Emily and I took some time while grocery shopping to look at the fish. It was very empowering to realize I could put almost no extra effort into something and have it turn out to be an awesome enrichment activity that she loved. Another…