We are just 12 hours away from Andrew completing his second full week on the job. It has been (and will continue to be) a pretty intense summer with his crazy hours. We are living on miracles, he and I. Neither of us get much sleep these days; Emily is waking up so often I…
Emily has been growing so fast it is hard for me to keep up with her daily developments. To illustrate this, a brief story. Last week I was holding Emily and went to put something in the cupboard above the sink. A few minutes later I looked down and she was holding a container I…
February was an absolute blur, but here are a few snapshots from our daily happenings. Andrew found the hat that his family gave us before Emily was born (for Guido or Gwendolyn). We had her wear it for Halloween but it was HUGE on her little newborn head. Now it fits perfectly. Andrew was bouncing…
I have really enjoyed returning home from our journeys. I have been making dinner every night (a first since Emily has been born – we’ve been living off of freezer meals), baking snacks, reading reading reading (I think I’ve read and finished six books this week), cleaning and organizing our home, and visiting with friends….
Moments from Month One
Simple moments I want to remember: At the hospital in the middle of the night. With Grandma Moose at the hospital. She rescued us after Emily was born and helped us survive the first week. Right after we got home from the hospital we put Emily in a safe place while we got settled. We…