A few weeks ago I noticed a lump on Nathan. After keeping an eye on it for awhile, I asked Andrew what his thoughts were. We kept waiting. I’m pretty solidly in the mindset that the body will take care of itself. We had been out of town the week before, Andrew in Utah for…
Peace Not as the World Giveth, Give I Unto You
I’m starting to realize that life with little children close together might be a little different than I thought. Louder. More energetic. Absolutely messier. Loads of triage with unexpected plot twists. That all comes because of the things that makes my heart sing. Playing together. Building vehicles, gates, and structures with everything that isn’t anchored…
General Conference Weekend 2018
Two weeks ago we started talking about General Conference for family home evening. We brainstormed questions that we had as a family. On Monday we finalized our three questions and taped them to the wall by the table. Every day the kids talked about the questions and how we were going to look for the…
It Was the Load
I knew this year was going to be challenging. Back in October I bought the Powersheets after reading Make it Happen to help me create a solid vision for this year. I figured it would help keep me on track in the midst of all the change. I always forget just how hard post-partum depression…
My secret to a clean kitchen: start with the kitchen table
I have been baffled with my inability to keep my kitchen clean over the last few years. I grew up with our family cleaning up after each meal. I have plenty of memories of job wheels rotating through who swept the floor, wiped the table, and put dishes in the dishwasher. I know how to…
Paradigm Shift: It’s About Experience
With at least two moves on the horizon, and one potentially long term, I’ve been thinking a lot about life. Mostly it has been making me anxious because I can control so little. I see families that have the option of living close together – in the same state or even in the same city!!…
6 Tips for Hosting a Family Party
My interview with Leslie Johnson a few weeks ago really has my wheels turning about creating a home where the kids want to be as opposed to just wanting to go be with friends all the time. With our upcoming move and I that our day to day social life is going to change dramatically. I am trying to…
March Progress: Establishing a Weekly Rhythm
My big focus in March was establishing a weekly rhythm for our family. For over a year now we’ve had Nature Friday and pizza night making the last day of the week our favorite. My goal was to make every day as awesome as Friday. Although not every day is us hanging out together outside…
February Progress: Sleep
Our night time hours have left much to be desired the last few months. We’ve had all three kids hitting typical sleep problems/disruptions (bedtime struggles, nightmares, bathroom visits, diaper changes, feedings) at the exact same time. A normal night has us up 6+ times with the three kids. We’ve joked that nighttime is a lot like…
January Progress: A Clean(er) Home
When I was sick last year a friend came and helped us out for a week. On one of my few visits to the kitchen I discovered a clean microwave and felt so cared for. Emily ran upstairs at another moment and exclaimed, “Mom, you should see the floor. It is so clean! I love…