Our move to Connecticut felt a bit like a long, drawn out saga that ended as a quick surprise. As I was reviewing the year 2018 I wrote every few months, including January, that we had decided that Andrew would do a post-doc at Yale. The position had been mentioned sometime early 2017 when I…
Utah Trip 2018
(Thank you thank you to all of you who shared pictures with us – I can only take credit for a few of them here :) We went to Utah on Tuesday July 10. We found a direct flight from Indy to Utah early in the morning. We left the house at 5:15am EST and…
The First Six Weeks, Part 6: Funeral
Monday morning the kids were up and going around 8am and Andrew and I rolled out of bed sometime after. Emily and Nathan slept in the children’s room and by the time we made it in there they had pulled out just about every toy in the closet. A dream come true for those two….
The First Six Weeks, Part 5: To Iowa and Utah
The rest of Wednesday, December 16 was spent in preparations for going to Iowa AND flying to Utah. Andrew ran errands with the kids while I packed. We had a late dinner and went to bed. Thursday we finished packing and cleaning and drove to Iowa. The kids settled right in playing with toys while…
Mr. Jackson Goes to Washington
A lesson I have been learning over and over again this last year is that divine help is readily available. God will walk with me daily. He will guide and magnify my thoughts, efforts, and abilities if I ask. He is the source of all success and strengthening. It is a very humbling, joyful learning…
Six Tips for Making Road Tripping with Kids Simple
We logged over 50 hours in the car during July and August with the kids. We did have a few rough patches (like Emily having a stomach bug and throwing up all over the front and back seats), but the majority of the hours were pleasant and fun. It might be the end of summer…
Moose Family Reunion
This week we took our last trip of the summer to Iowa for our first ever Moose Family Reunion! We had ONE day all summer where all of my siblings schedules aligned, and we took the opportunity. We decided to drive out Thursday afternoon to space out the days we would be driving. On Friday…
Connor Prairie
Since we were going to be home for a few extra days in between trips, we decided to finally(!!!!) go to Connor Prairie. It is a living history farms type place outside of Indianapolis that has towns and villages set up around different areas. We spent all of our time in 1836, so we have…
Church History Road Trip: Part 2
Monday we headed to Kirtland, OH. We arrived at noon and jumped right in with a tour of Historic Kirtland, starting with a movie about the Ohio period. We then saw the sawmill, ashery, Newell K Whitney Store, the Whitney home, and hotel now turned into a room with exhibits. It was amazing to learn…
Church History Road Trip: Part 1
After returning from Utah we had one week to unpack, start a few projects that I had been loosing sleep over while traveling, and pack up again for our road trip. We left for Erie, Pennsylvania on Thursday morning. This trip completely snuck up on me and it was a scramble that morning to get…