At the beginning of the year, my knowledge of sourdough bread was limited to what we learned on vacation in July 2012: you could buy it in San Francisco, the natural yeast there gives it a distinct flavor, and it is delicious. When I started learning about dealing with gut issues, one option is to…
Our How of Food
We have been thinking a lot about the food we eat and how it effects us. This journey in nutrition can be convoluted at times (a lot of the time) because so many people have different research, interpretation of research, personal experiences with food, and their own ideas of what works and what doesn’t. The…
Cooking in the Kitchen
Fall is upon us, and with it my desire to bake has sky rocketed. Pretty much anything with cinnamon and nutmeg is high on my list to consume and therefore, make. On the first day of cold (it went from 90 degrees to 50 degrees over night with one amazing thunderstorm) we made oatmeal pumpkin muffins….
Kansas City Adventures: Chip’s Chocolate Factory
Chip’s Chocolate Factory is a small chocolate store at the Crown Center that has chocolate making demonstrations. How could we pass up an opportunity to watch the experts make fudge and try a little too? What appears to be a braided loaf of bread on the center marble table is actually whipped peanut butter fudge, a process…
Freezer Meals Made Easy – Part 2
As promised in part one, here are a few of our favorite meals/snacks that we have had success freezing and eating after: Muffins. My first success in the freezer department was taught to me by my incredible mother. Essentially, you make whatever muffin batter you like and then fill up a silicon muffin pan. Cover…
Freezer Meals Made Easy – Part 1
Soon after getting married, I dreamed of the day when my freezer would be perfectly stocked with meals that I could pull out at a moments notice and be ready to consume with little work. About a year into marriage I had this great idea that by pinning every freezer meal pin on pinterest that…
The Elves Went on Vacation
Sometimes I wake up in the morning, look around, and realize that the wonderful elves who clean our little apartment must have taken a few vacation days. Darn. Today was one of those days. Andrew was taking off for campus around 10am, so I figured that would be a good time to get started digging ourselves…
Food Acquisition
Last Saturday Andrew and I decided to go back to the farmers market to get some fresh vegetables. We love the open air markets with all the freshly grown food, baked goods, and few crafts (food is the priority in this place!). Farmers markets that last into October are a huge perk of living in…
Inspired by our Tiny Oven
When I first saw our kitchen, I was blown away at the size of our oven. I didn’t know they made them that small! While I felt an initial moment of disappointment, I discovered cooking on a stove-top where the pan takes up 1 1/2 burners has a certain charm. It also has logistical limitations;…
New Beginnings
2013 has started off quite well for this Jackson family. First big news item: we were blessed with a washer and dryer! Andrew and his dad spent a lot of time getting them up and running. It is amazing at how convenient laundry can be and we are so grateful for this addition to our…