Well after some research I learned that my spice rack is harboring some dried herbs. Dill weed is the first known case of this phenomenon. There are lots of health benefits in addition to being quite easy to use. I found some Dill cooking tips and hints, which actually has me thinking about starting an herb garden. But…
A Friday Night to Remember
The most important news is that we have two new additions to our family (all pictures taken with my cell phone, so quality is not there so much): Andrew stopped and bought me some orchids on the way home from work and a wonderfully thoughtful and amazing friend surprised me with flowers too. We are…
Spice Challenge
So I’ve decided that this semester I am going to learn about spices. Actually I sort of decided, sort of was externally motivated by an English assignment. But no matter how I got to this point, the important thing is that I’m moving forward with excited gusto. Into what exactly? For our wedding (over a…
Yesterday I wanted to step back into my childhood for a little bit. I have a memory of being in our duplex in Pittsburgh, PA (so I was younger than 9 yrs old), making waffles with my mom. I remember them being pretty difficult to make because you have to separate the egg whites and yokes and…
A Little Catch Up
We made lava cake for a FHE recently – it was a great success. Andrew was armed and ready to grab them from the oven. And they tasted delicious! On Friday we went to our first free Provo Rooftop Concert Series. It was a very interesting experience. The opening group did a lot of rapping…
In medias res (in the middle of things)
We have been married almost eight months, and a busy eight months it has been. We have about a week of freedom (aka finals week) before Spring term starts. There are still a few tests to take and presentations to give, but still I am finding hours of extra time in my day. In just…