Our garden has started producing vegetables! We’ve been eating lots of delicious cucumbers and cherry tomatoes right out of our backyard. The zucchini plant has some baby zucchinis on them that will soon be part of our dinner. Our acorn squash plants has lots of flowers still but no signs of squash life yet. Emily…
Bean Bag Project
A few weeks ago, Emily and I started making bean bags out of scrap material. This was the first project we did together that went really well start to finish, and I didn’t get so frustrated that I just finished it myself. It was low stress and I didn’t care that each square was absolutely…
Getting Settled
With Andrew passing his thesis defense the reality of our staying in the same place for the next few years has begun to sink in. To celebrate Emily and I have spent the last two weeks going through the closets in our house and unpacking! Andrew and I have had things in storage for so…
Family Garden Project
Our home has a little fenced in backyard with a shed, patio, and grassy area. I had hoped to put a garden in, and once we found out Andrew was accepted to the phd program here and we wouldn’t be moving for many years I moved forward with those plans. This was our starting place:…
A Rainy Day Project
After a bitter cold winter that kept us indoors for months, we are ready to get out and do. Many of our weekends so far have been rainy days so we have been working on some random fun projects to help get us through more days inside. Home Depot is becoming our go-to place for…
DIY Floating Shelves
With my sticky note list system and lots of measuring I decided that 30 inch floating shelves would work perfectly downstairs in between the kitchen and living room area. After lots of trips to Home Depot, Lowes, and many hours online, I learned that shelves just don’t come 2.5 feet long. Then I tried to…
DIY Photoboard
There is a whole lot of beautiful white space in our home. Which I love, but some areas are just calling out for wall coverings. I wanted to put up lots of family pictures and discovered frames are expensive. Someone suggested going to Goodwill for picture frames, which was brilliant, except that it required way…
Operation Making This Place Home
Nearly two months ago I wrote about my dilemma of whether or not to unpack the picture frame box. I appreciate all the feedback, tips, and conversations that came from my question. I had the realization that I was, and still am, afraid. I have zero confidence in my decorating/interior design skills, which then brings…
Our HUGE Whiteboard
Soon after we moved in, Andrew came up with a cool idea to put a huge whiteboard in the office. I didn’t have an opinion on the matter and he was super excited about the project, so I said it would be fun to see what he came up with. He found a 4×8 foot…