I can’t believe it has been three years since I originally made “The Living Christ” wall prints (still available here). I’m sad to say it has been about that long since I last studied the document. Instead of printing out the 8×11 pages again I redesigned the content for a booklet. To make sharing it…
Welcome to A Jackson Family!
Well this update has been a work in progress for a year, and I’m thrilled to be able to share it with you today! I’ve been blogging about our little family for almost six years now(!) and this space has been growing and changing slowly as our family changes slowly too. I feel like I’m…
Kids’ Entryway with Free Printable
Once I had the kids’ coat rack hung up on the wall, I decided I wanted to add a few more touches to officially make it the space for the Jackson kids. Andrew’s mom gave us a series of books by Nancy Tillman, and I especially love “Wherever You Go My Love Will Find You.”…
Routine Chart
This morning when I rolled out of bed I was soooo tired. I figured after my walk I would feel more energized, but that was just not the case. If I had my way, I would have put on my flannel pajama pants, wrapped up in my favorite patchwork quilt, and watched a chick flick…
As High As I Can Reach
My parents gave Emily “Guess How Much I Love You” very shortly after she was born. We’ve been reading it to her ever since. Any time Emily stretches her arms up high, typically during diaper changes, we say, “I love you as hiiiiiiiiigh as I can reach.” This usually brings on the giggles. I wanted…
Andrew is spending the week in Las Vegas for a conference. He presented two papers, one of which we wrote together with our professor from BYU based on the thesis I did two years ago creating a sound recording curriculum. We opened the project back up in November and wrote the final draft in January. On…
Emily’s Lense
I had the camera out on Monday. Emily loves being involved in everything I’m doing and picture taking is certainly not an exception. It turned out to be a really fun few minutes as I shared something I enjoy with her. I love how the pictures tell so much about Emily’s world right now. What…
The Goblet of Gratitude – Free Printable
“We can be grateful! It might sound contrary to the wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks to God. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding.” – Dieter…
“The Living Christ” free printable
I’ve been struggling to find a better way to worship on Sunday during church. A wiggly almost one-year-old makes any hopes of pulling out my scriptures – paper or electronic – nearly impossible unless I want to share. Last Saturday while listening to the General Women’s Broadcast, I was touched by the example of Neill F. Marriott:…
Design: Annie Lynn’s Favorite Things
I have had the pleasure of working with the very talented fashion blogger, Annie Lynn, on her blog redesign. This design has been in the works for about a month and today I put the finishing touches on the live site! I absolutely love how the final design turned out: Check out Annie Lynn’s Favorite…