Two weeks ago I took on the task of getting Nathan, Emily, and myself to church so Andrew could go to his early morning meetings. It turned out I was a bit too ambitious but I didn’t realize that until it was too late. Emily wasn’t thrilled about putting clothes on until I remembered and pitched her “new dress – a special Christmas dress.” To seal the deal I pulled out the adorable red one-piece outfit that had been given to Nathan so they would be matching. Once dressed I capitalized on Emily’s love of taking pictures with Nathan that Aunt Hannah had stumbled upon the day before.
Nathan, four weeks and 1 day old.
Candid, tired Emily.
When she realized I was taking pictures she became entranced with counting her toes and looking at the red trim on her dress.
The two best friends together.
When we got to church Andrew was sad he didn’t get the memo to wear his red tie so he made sure to wear it next week. Emily was even more excited to match with Daddy.
Emily is so pretty! What a cute story. I’m glad you’re doing well.