Fall is upon us, and with it my desire to bake has sky rocketed. Pretty much anything with cinnamon and nutmeg is high on my list to consume and therefore, make. On the first day of cold (it went from 90 degrees to 50 degrees over night with one amazing thunderstorm) we made oatmeal pumpkin muffins. I tried a new recipe, and it isn’t THE ONE. I guess I will just have to keep trying more pumpkin concoctions, bummer. In the meantime I did manage to store an extra dozen in the freezer to pull out in a pinch.
Yesterday was another cool, rainy day so we made chili and cornbread for dinner plus browned enough meat and made spice packets for five more batches of chili this fall. Now we just have to dump the frozen meat, bag of spices, can of kidney beans and diced tomatoes in the crockpot and dinner is served. I’m very excited and motivated by my little cooking success and want to make many more almost completely prepared dinner items.
We are still making homemade plain yogurt about every one and a half weeks. Emily loves the stuff straight or with a little bit of oatmeal added. She’s been feeding it to herself with a spoon and the aftermath was pretty impressive and thankfully white. These pictures are before she grabbed her hair and used the yogurt as a very effective gel.
Emily has caught the cooking bug too and this week perfected her cellphone bread recipe.
Ingredients: dead cellphone and bread pan. Total time: 5 seconds-5 minutes.
- Place cell phone into the bread pan.
- Slide it around a bit.
- Let it sit (5 seconds – 5 minutes).
- Pull it out and make a call.
- Repeat.
What delicious fall recipes are you cooking up? Please share and add some variety to our kitchen!
You have a wonderful wit my dear :-)
And I’m loving Emily’s curly hair.