We started the day off with Emily discovering her belly button. While I changed her diaper, I asked her, “Where is your tummy? Where is your knee? Where are your ears? Where is your head?” Today I threw in, “Where is your belly button?” and to my surprise, she knew exactly where it was! Then she didn’t want to get dressed because she was busy looking at her belly button. After her nap she kept looking down her shirt and trying to put her arm through so she could keep looking at her belly button. I finally gave up and took her pants off and unbuttoned her onsie, which allowed her to grab my finger and stick it in her belly button to share in the discovery.
She has started putting her arms up and walking around, essentially saying, “Where is it?” with high pitched noises. It helps me clue in that she is looking for something specific. It is so funny when I’m looking for something and ask her where it is and she throughs her arms up with, “I don’t know” and keeps them there until we find the object.
She spent twenty minutes trying to figure out how to make the lids to the baby food jars click. I have never seen her so focused and serious. If one wasn’t working she handed it over to me to try, or grabbed my hand to help her make the one she was working on click. She eventually got the hang of it, but there was no celebration. She went and clicked every one (about 15) a few times, handed it to me and started on the next one, working through the pile over and over again.
We were playing catch today with one of her balls and she started to grasp the concept of putting her arms together to get the ball, although not without some assistance. She loved the game and it is fun to expand our repertoire.
I am absolutely amazed with her growth each day.
Too fun! I love how you describe things, I can visualize perfectly what you are talking about. She is so cute!