We are facing a big decision right now and the answer seems ever elusive, but phase one of decision making has a deadline of tomorrow. I had been feeling a peaceful reassurance that all with work out, until last night I let myself think and think and think and think into a bit of a tizzy. When Andrew got home late last night he found a rather exhausted wife who just needed a hug and some sleep.
Today Emily and I got up early (because Emily got up early) and cleaned the kitchen while listening to a recent BYU Devotional given by Susan Julian called Led By the Spirit. It was soul soothing. I didn’t find a direct answer, but I found the reassurance that no matter what the Lord asks us to do, he will make us capable of the task. That does not mean that he will lead us down easy or fun paths, but he will be there with us every step of the way.
I also found a wonderful gem this morning in 1 Nephi 7: 12-13:
“Yea, and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him? Wherefore, let us be faithful to him. And if it so be that we are faithful to him, we shall obtain the land of promise…”
Be faithful. Trust in the Lord. And be PATIENT! Lehi’s family went through a whole lot before they obtained the land of promise, and they went through some challenges, but they did make it there and the moment they did they offered prayers of gratitude. Such a good reminder for me.
So this is the pep talk I keep running through my head in the midst of my decision making.
In other news, Emily is continuing her development and sticking everything into her mouth. She reaches after everything we have in our hands and after watching me drink gatorade for a few days (to survive the flu of last week) I finally let her enjoy the bottle.
I could eat that cute girl!
Ahh decisions. Those are the worst haha. Story of my life! Good luck and hopefully we can talk soon.
You are amazing! Thanks for sharing. Although I would miss you like crazy if you moved away for the summer, knowing you, you wouldn’t take long to make new friends and be right as comfy as you are here.