“This is the best birthday ever!!”
We started the day off with pancakes and eggs, including a 7 and E shaped pancake for Emily.
Grandma French braided Emily’s hair and then the two of us set off to Walmart to acquire supplies. We found headbands and hair clips, balloons and streamers, and ice cream cake ingredients. Meanwhile Andrew, Nathan, and Laura wrapped presents.
Andrew blew up lots and lots of balloons and decorated the “birthday room” with Emily, Nathan, and Laura. Emily loved the decorations, inspired by a Danny and the Dinosaur book, and said if it was a success she would like to do it again for her 8th birthday. Grandma Moose and I worked on the cake.
Pictures with mom while we wait for the party.
We sang Happy Birthday and Emily opened her presents: Georgia birds field guide, rain boots, fingernail polish (chosen by Nathan and Laura), and a sewing kit (from Grandma and Grandpa Moose). She sat down and combed through the details of her sewing kit as well as spent lots of time flipping through the bird book with us.
After Emily opened her presents, Nathan and Laura received their birthday gifts from Grandma and Grandpa. Nathan got a leather tool belt. He had only read about them in books, never seeing one, and it took a few moments before he realized what he was holding. It didn’t take long before he had it filled with tools – including his duplo saw and hammer.
Laura received a domino animal themed game and quickly became engrossed with setting up all the pieces and finding different ways to put them together.
After dinner we enjoyed Emily’s peppermint ice cream cake, complete with the telling of her birth story and each person in our family sharing what they love about her. We are so grateful that Emily is in our family!
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