Andrew was able to give Emily a name and a blessing yesterday at church. My family drove out to join us for the day and it was great to have them there. It was a really special experience to reflect on how recently Emily left our Heavenly Father’s presence and now was with us and Andrew was asking for blessings for her. We are so grateful for the joy she brings to our family and are excited to see her grow and develop.
Emily wore the dress that my grandma made for my mom to be blessed in and I was also blessed in. We were really careful to keep her in it just long enough for pictures the day before and for the blessing itself; with Emily’s recent track record of diaper explosions and spit ups we didn’t want to ruin a third generation dress.
She didn’t actually wear the shoes on Sunday. We couldn’t keep both of them on long enough to take a picture because she would quickly kick one off as soon as we got it on (notice the blury foot in the background), so we figured she would never make it through church wearing them.
On a somewhat related note, we have added content to our We Believe page. Check it out at the top menu.
I miss your family – my how your siblings have grown! Congratulations on your baby, by the way! What a darling.