Andrew finished all of us classes up this week and just has one test and paper to go! We are both very excited for the end of the semester and all the fun things we have planned during the break. Andrew spent all day Monday working on his final project for a creativity class. He made a wood frame and laser cut a quote he designed on a piece of acrylic. He had to finish up a few details at home and our kitchen table turned into a temporary workshop.
He finished just in time to run to his class to present it but we had to at least snap a quick picture to prove that it was done.
“Normalcy is overrated. If you tap into your natural creativity you have the chance to be extraordinary.”
On Wednesday the class he teaches had a poster session to highlight some of the top projects in the class. There are 16 sections of this particular class and all of the instructors Andrew works with were also there. Emily and I walked a few miles on what was probably the last warm day of the semester to meet some really neat people, see some cool projects, and eat pizza. Plus we got to hang out with Andrew, which both of us girls thought was just amazing. In the few hours we were gone we conquered spit up, two diaper changes, a clothing change, and a feeding. We are becoming quite pro at out of house adventures thanks to a well stocked diaper bag!
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