I feel like I kind of missed fall this year. It was just starting to feel cool enough for a jacket and the leaves were beginning to change colors about the time Emily was born. Almost three weeks later and I’m ready to venture to the great outdoors, only to discover the temperature is usually in the 30s. Darn.
In hopes of enjoying the last glimpses of this wonderful season (I’m hoping I’m wrong and it warms up again for a little longer), Andrew and I decided to venture out to a corn maze and pumpkin patch in south Lafayette. Exploration Acres has a 18 acre corn maze with over 8 miles of walking trails in the maze. I’ve never been to a corn maze before (amazing considering all the years I lived in Iowa), and I absolutely loved my first experience.
This was our first non-doctor visit attempt to leave home. It took us awhile to make sure we had gathered everything: well stocked diaper bag, stroller (which we had to figure out how to use before we left), winter clothes for all three of us, snacks, camera, water, car seat cover, and driving directions. I felt like ridiculous first time parents as we filled our trunk and back seat with all our stuff. We actually discovered we needed everything and forgot a few things, like a bag to put clothes in after a diaper explosion.
Entering the corn maze. It was so windy and cold outside but completely still inside. Emily stayed asleep and was not the least bit disturbed by the off-roading.
Andrew was a great navigator and stroller pusher.
Proof Emily made it to a corn maze.
It was such a beautiful day!
After the corn maze we went and chose a little pumpkin to carve. Emily woke up just in time.
Oh my goodness. That little Emily is such a doll. I love the 4 pictures of her waking up and making faces. I love the frequent blog posts – thanks for keeping us up to date since we are far away.