This winter Andrew often found himself spending late late late late nights at the snell building, editing videos for his film class. He also got into Adobe After Effects and created some pretty sweet animations and effects for his short films.
To start the semester off, they participated in an international film competition. Pretty sweet stuff!
They had many projects to do in a short period of time towards the end of the semester. Here is a news broadcast that has a number of different segments. Its a fun watch!
They also made a documentary about ITEEA, a conference Andrew and I went to with a group from our major in March. More will be coming about those experiences (there are quite a few stories!) but here is a little taste.
This short story was a quite an adventure in the making. I even got to play a small role – along with every other girl in the major who had to be a bad date! Make sure to watch to the very end…
In addition to the commercials in the news broadcast, they filmed a few more. Featuring Sam, Andrew’s brother.
And another personal favorite commercial. Now that you have watched a lot of these, it might not hurt to mention for those of you not at BYU that their freshman mentoring features and commercials were satires.
Andrew did a fantastic job! Just for fun, here is a film Andrew and I made together with two other guys in our major while we were still secretly dating over a year and a half ago. We were a top-ten finalist in the international mormon message contest by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints. I found this out while in Galilee last March – now that was a fantastic day. It was a super fun project!
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