Before Emily was born, Andrew rarely felt her move because the moment he put his hand on my stomach she would freeze. We were both curious to see how she would react after she was born. They are perfect together! It melts my heart to watch them.
Our first night at the hospital.
Getting dressed, socks and all, our first Sunday at home. I actually have only changed her diapers and clothes a few times because Andrew takes her before and after she eats when he’s home. He asks Emily to straighten her legs and she cooperates every time.
Andrew is in the middle of school, so they’ve become study buddies.
Andrew has been a great supporter of tummy time. He had a great idea to use the blanket my mom made for Emily because it has so many colors and patterns for her to look at. She now can lift and turn her head all by herself!
Emily loves to snuggle with her dad!
This past Friday we took a short family walk. We first had to find a hat that actually fit. This one squeezed her head…we caught her mid hiccup.
Once the hat situation was settled, there was much anticipation for the event.
Andrew introduced Emily to her reflection on the door to our apartment building.
More Emily snuggles.
After we returned home I found two exhausted adventurers. Notice how she is holding onto the tie on his sweatshirt.
I have been amazed at the joy we feel as new parents, watching Emily grow and having our relationships with her develop.
So darling! You are amazing parents and she is such a lucky little lady!