This weekend wasn’t particularly out of the ordinary, but Andrew loaded up the normal moments with fun. I was impressed and loved joining in on the laugher.
Andrew came home a little early on Friday afternoon. He was lying on the floor and Nathan ran to join him with a ball and said, “Up! Up!” Emily ran over and laid down next to them. Every time Andrew tossed the ball up Nathan screamed with joy.
Andrew soon switched up the game to throwing bean bags into bowls. Nathan’s love for seeing things thrown into the air never ceases to amaze me.
After rest and read time on Saturday Andrew and the kids made chocolate soufflés. I hovered near the kitchen with feelings of awe for Andrew’s patience and ideas for involving the kids. The first round of souffles created a good baseline for improvement. Andrew did some research and knows what he will try different for round two.
Sunday evening between the tasks of picking up toys and heading up to bed, the kids started running at Andrew. He flipped them around again and again.
Yay for lifesaver dad’s who can keep the kids (and in turn, us) laughing!
This sounds like Jonathan… Yay for awesome husband’s!