So I was kind of a Barney junkie in the early 90s. My poor mother. She even filled a 6 hour VHS tape so I could watch the shows over and over again. These episodes had been largely forgotten, but now that Emily is hanging out with me all day I have had a sudden surge of songs (and plots) stuck in my head from my early Barney years. I’m shocked that after not watching the show for 18+ years I can remember so much of it.
Lately the words from Growing (aired in 1992!) have been floating around in my head:
“Growing, we do it every day. We’re growing when we’re sleeping and even when we play, And as we grow a little older, We can do more things because I’m growing and so are you.
Each day we grow a little taller. A little bigger, not smaller. And we grow a little friendlier too. We try to be a little nicer as we grow each day, Because I’m growing and so are you.”
I love this song! First – we are ALL growing. How exciting is that!? Isn’t it nice that we all have room for improvement? I love the idea that each day we try to be a little nicer and a little friendlier. This is a great goal, a hard goal, but an awesome one.
Then we can do more things as we get older. This is where the growing pains have really thrown me for a loop every time there are big changes in my life. Lately that would be motherhood. But I just have to keep reminding myself I can do more things; I’m just adding them little by little.
Emily has entered a new phase of life now that she can hold her head up. She spends lots of time in an exersaucer and jumper which has been wonderful because even she gets bored being stuck inside all day with the snow and cold.
Emily gaining some more independence has opened some time and hands for me to develop new skills and enjoying improving some old ones. More on that soon!
Oh my heck. We have more in common than I think! My mom taped several hours worth of Barney too… I watched it till I was too old to be aloud to say I liked it. I also often have Barney songs stuck in my head too!
My favorite, though, was Reading Rainbow! I still would probably sit and watch several episodes of that :)
I totally agree with you on Reading Rainbow – that was probably my absolute favorite (or lamb chop).