It will be an epic day when we can go outside for more than five minutes and not get frost bite. On Monday I walked to an appointment by myself in the beautiful sunny weather. It took over an hour once I got inside before my skin stopped tingling. It was -17 plus windchill – oops. Today it was 20 degrees and it took all my will power to not dress in shorts and a t-shirt for a walk.
BUT this weather has proved to be wonderful motivation to keep learning in warmer environments, such as the kitchen. Last week Andrew spent a half hour digging out the car so Emily and I could go to a friend’s home to learn how to make yogurt. It turns out it is a pretty simple process and the results are AMAZING. This stuff totally beats the store bought stuff (if you like plain yogurt that is a bit bitter, which I do!).
I also tried a friend’s recipe for kale chips. I was feeling a bit adventurous and it turns out they are actually really good. Kale chips will become a staple afternoon snack around here for awhile.
One of my new favorite moments with Emily occurred today. I had the hiccups and with every one of my squeaky noises Emily laughed a good deep belly laugh. Then she got the hiccups too and eventually my hiccups became less amusing.
Emily has been getting stronger and stronger. It is so fun to see her hold herself up and look around or reach for things. We also thought the hanging hat was pretty funny.
I’m going to try kale chips as soon as I get more kale, too! And my mom often made big batches of homemade yogurt and put canned peaches in it. So delicious and cheap, too. And Emily is more adorable every day! :) Love following her progress.
I miss you guys. She is getting so big and strong!!