A few weeks ago Andrew and I went to Deanna Rose Children’s Farm and fell in love, and we knew it would be the perfect outing when Elise came. When we arrived we discovered that there was an entire section of animals that we somehow missed last time. This was perfect because Clara is a lover of animals and it is sooooo fun to watch her discover and make noises about those animals. Emily likes looking at the animals, the people, and Clara, and she was starting to show moments of excitement too.
I love mother daughter pictures!
Andrew and Emily had some bonding time on this outing. He has been traveling for work this week so it was nice that they had some good quality time together.
Emily has figured out the art of the high-fives, and they were in the middle of a game involving lots of high-fives.
I’m convinced that a big part of being a dad is figuring out all sorts of cool things that mom would NEVER considering doing.
It was a very hot day and so we wandered into the barbershop to cool down.
We finished off the morning with ice cream (and then went home to eat lunch!). Emily was soooo ready for a nap.
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