We knew that we wanted to go explore somewhere today, but we hadn’t had a chance to plan anything. Twenty minutes before we hoped to leave I did a quick search for things to do in Kansas City. I cannot say enough how much I love living in a place were there is no end to fun, quality, and free things to do at a moments notice. We settled on the Johnson County Museum and as soon as Emily woke up from her nap, we were off.
This place was incredible. We learned about the history of Johnson County from its settlement in the 1800s to today. The main theme of the museum was the evolution of the suburbs, and the exhibits had a unique perspective of the major events of history through the eyes of this area. Intermixed with the pictures and plaques were interactive exhibits and stations for children, like a radio broadcasting music from the 1920s and a 1800s farmhouse with all the accessories for play. They also had the most detailed child’s play town I’ve ever seen. Here we are in the bookstore.
Checking out Main Street.
As a side note, we started using the baby carrier with Emily once she hit about three months old. About two months ago she started pulling her left arm out the second I put her in. She is completely content as long as that arm is free, and it seems so funny to me.
We then went to Chick-fill-A because we had coupons for a sandwich and a kids meal with no purchase necessary; meaning we walked in, handed them their ad, and walked out with two bags of food! I’ve never had it before and wasn’t terribly impressed, but it was fun addition to our day.
When we got home I didn’t put the carseat away immediately and Emily soon found it and was climbing in it and playing. I love watching this girl explore.
So fun to sneak a peak at your trip. Great pictures!! Looks like a lot of fun! ❤️