Laura turned three years old! She has been patiently waiting for her birthday since Emily, Nathan, and I celebrated ours recently.
We started off with a pancake breakfast. Laura helped make the pancakes and enjoyed making a giant pancake that we could cut and share among all of us.
As soon as breakfast was cleaned up the two off rushed off to walmart to get supplies for her cake. She wanted a chocolate chip cake with chocolate chips all over the outside. When we went to pick up a bag she discovered a bag of “Unicorn Magic” filled with different colored chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, and confetti. Her eyes got wide and she said confidently, “I want that!” When I said you do she said, “Yessss!” So we changed plans. She chose peppermint ice cream because of the snowman and snowflakes on the outside.
When we got home Andrew took Emily and Nathan to go buy presents for her while Laura, Lydia and I made her ice cream cake. Laura happily ate the extra oreos while I made the crust and cleaned out the ice cream container once I partitioned it into bowls.
We all gathered to open presents before lunch. She got ballet shoes and tights – something she has been patiently waiting for for at least a year – so she can dance with Emily at home. We watched the nutcracker ballet last week and now she is “Clara” a lot of the time.
She also got her very own hot wheels cars so she can play with Nathan and a Butterfly nature guide.
We worked on projects in the afternoon and she spent a few hours with Andrew at Lowes buying wood for shelves in our large closet downstairs. While they were gone Emily and Nathan helped me prime the wood bench we built out of scrap wood.
After dinner we had Laura’s fancy ice cream cake and shared the story of when she was born. We also told her all the things we love about her – like her determination, her smiles and jokes, how she plays with the other kids, and her thoughtfulness.
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