I have been trying to pack up our apartment and do big cleaning items this week so that next week will be less insane and exhausting. Yesterday I was about to box up the iron when I remembered that Andrew and I talked about me making a case for some of the spade bits he is using this summer. I tried to push the thought of another project out of my mind but decided this morning to just jump in and get it done. Oh the stress was building!
I had a vague idea of what the final project should be and figured I would use part of the pants that I practically lived in while I was in Israel. To quote Andrew, “The pants will be immortalized and heading to Kansas.”
Today I have been humbled and amazed as each step was shown to me clearly in my mind. I know so very little about sewing and have so little time to figure out new things, and each time I came to the edge of my abilities God literally taught me what to do next. So many times I was corrected by another idea, or give reason to pause and add a different stitch, or have an image pop into my mind of what to do next. Start to finish this took about 2.5 hours; I didn’t have to rip out a single seam and it came together perfectly. I am so grateful for a God who cares about the details of my life and takes the time to teach me new things.
Today I feel like Nephi, “I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do” (1 Nephi 4:6), and I just can’t adequately express my gratitude.
So stinkin clever and cool! Love it! ;)
Uh, color me impressed! You are amazing!