Last Friday we decided after MUCH deliberation to spend the summer in Kansas City, MO (we’d love suggestions on what to do and see while we are there!) so Andrew can work. We went to Triple XXX Family Restaurant, Indiana’s oldest drive in, to celebrate our decision and the warm weather. It is a little diner with bar stools lining the counter and lots of delicious options on the menu. We went for traditional hamburgers, sweet potato fries with marshmallow and cinnamon sauce, and root beer.
Emily smiled at all of the people there and loves taking in the sights. Going places is so fun with her now! Here’s to trying to get a family picture.
Today it was snowing and school was canceled in our area, but yesterday it was in the 60s! Emily and I went to the park TWICE because neither of us were thrilled with being inside. Emily tried out the swings but was more interested in watching the bigger kids play than play herself. I talked to some of the other moms who are from China and really enjoyed their conversation. Now I’m really really really excited for spring so we can return to the park.
This week Emily has really gotten the hang of sitting up! While I wouldn’t leave her on the hard floor to fend for herself just yet, she mostly plays sitting up and tries to grab toys. I think the world must look quite different in this position because she spends a lot of time just looking around.
Emily also has her first full blown cold. Not fun. But her coughing is…sooooo adorable! If she was a little older I would think she is faking it because they sound a bit forced and then she quite the reaction after.
Emily hasn’t been sleeping super well at night for the last two weeks. Monday night she gave us a 6 hour stretch that gave us hope things were getting back to normal but last night proved otherwise. A few nights ago Andrew started a game (after we had lost hope and needed to try and stop the crying) of blowing on Emily. She loved it.
And yes that is an empty box of chocolate. Well I thought it was empty and I was hoping chewing on the box would calm her down. Andrew spied some bits of chocolate on her chin when he came in the room. We have no idea if she got a taste or not.
I’m sure you have thought about this but living in Kansas City you will be close to all the MO church history sites! When we lived in MO we went often. They are awesome!