This month is barely halfway over and it has already proved to be just about as busy as I can handle!
Andrew started February off with a trip to St. George to attend a UACTE – a conference for technology teachers. His favorite souvenir from the trip is a giant umbrella which has already got some use thanks to the wet Utah snow that we have been receiving. I stayed behind to continue student teaching.
The day that Andrew returned we stayed in Provo to hang out with our dear friends, Sam and Elise. We watched a BYU basketball game in the Marriot Center (and thankfully we won!) followed by eating groundhogs day cupcakes (picture taken with bad phone camera, but the cupcakes were so cute I still had to share) that Sam and Elise had expertly made. I had never celebrated groundhogs day before in any fashion and it turns out that holiday has some potential.
Since moving up closer to Andrew’s parents, we have been able to join them for more family gatherings, including monthly temple trips with as many aunts, uncles, and cousins can make it. This is then followed with a stop to get dinner, which this month was In-and-Out. My first experience with In-and-Out was NOT pleasant, it being a stop we made during a 9 hour road trip to Southern California and was eaten while the 12 seater passenger van was cruising down the highway; it made me sick. I was pleasantly surprised this time to find out that the hamburgers are actually REALLY GOOD! The fries aren’t much to talk about, but let’s just say Andrew and I have since made a return trip for the main course.
Although March Madness doesn’t start for a few more weeks, Andrew has embraced basketball this month. Playing it that is. He is at our church gym playing a couple of times a week. Yesterday we borrowed the key from one of our neighbors and played together for an hour, since he can’t get enough of it. I’ve never professed to be a basketball player, and I certainly haven’t proven myself on the court yet. I got creamed. However, I did win PIG, so I guess that is something to be proud of.
When the gym wasn’t available one night, we decided to make homemade pretzels. Andrew figured out some sort of flip spin thing that perfectly twisted the pretzel in the air and then he could lay it down in perfect form.
Valentine’s Day took two days, since we were both very busy on Thursday. Wednesday night Andrew made us a fancy dinner and surprised me with a dozen roses. Thursday I was told to come home with some room for dessert. I had no idea what he had in mind, since is he quite notorious for his fancy brownies and cookies. Turns out, he made my favorite dessert on the face of the planet: homemade mint-oreo ice cream cake! There is no doubt in my mind that I married the best man on earth!
Big news: Andrew has been accepted to University of Georgia AND the Purdue University. We are REALLY excited! We should hear from the other schools in March. Decision making time is just around the corner :)
Hooray!! Congrats to Andrew!! I just have to say that if you like crunchy fries like I do, In-N-Out will make them “well done” which helps them out a lot. It makes them extra crunchy and delicious. :) And hang in there for Student Teaching; It’ll all be over soon!!!
I made your blog! Yipee! :) Sounds like a fun month so far!