I have to start with the great developments because they are so fun. Emily still detests tummy time. The last day or two she has managed to spin herself about 30 degrees on the floor while simultaneously yelling angry thoughts. Well last night she was particularly upset and also stronger than I think she even realized because she surprised us all by rolling from her front to her back! The crying and yelling stopped immediately. Tummy time might be even harder to enforce now if she keeps that trick up.
My absolute favorite development though would be Emily’s sing-song talking. She really started this with serious gusto Wednesday evening and had since applied it to many situations. This morning at 2:30 we heard her in her crib sucking furiously on her hand and bottom lip (she switches back and forth – another new thing this week) and telling us all about it, talking/singing away. It is fun to get little glimpses of her personality as she interacts with us!
Now for the mini break. Andrew finished his finals late Monday night/early Sunday morning. He had been either studying or writing all week and so it kind of felt like finals for me to…motherhood test #1. Because of his incredibly busy semester with being a student, teaching, and becoming a dad halfway through, he had some research that went on the back burner until after finals. So in between school ending and a research project, we took a family day on Monday. We ran errands, went shopping at the mall (with gift cards from our wedding!) and tested out Indiana’s frozen yogurt thanks to a coupon we got at the corn maze a few months ago. It felt like a completely normal day, one we would have had before Emily was born. She was a trooper with all of our adventures (ok she cried in the car but in the stores she was great). I think she won’t be objecting to our love of frozen yogurt either.
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