I have really enjoyed returning home from our journeys. I have been making dinner every night (a first since Emily has been born – we’ve been living off of freezer meals), baking snacks, reading reading reading (I think I’ve read and finished six books this week), cleaning and organizing our home, and visiting with friends. This is a huge development for me as a mother. We still have some survival days, but they are on the decrease.
With all of my living I haven’t been blogging and the memories began piling up. Here a few of my favorites:
This is what 468 diapers arriving on our doorstep looks like.
Emily sleeping with Andrew. She doesn’t snuggle much anymore because she is too busy looking around and seeing the world. Our only chances are when she’s sleeping, but she is napping less and sleeping longer at night so even nap snuggles are rare.
Andrew took this picture when Emily was just waking up in the morning a few weeks ago. She is full of smiles and now exclamations of joy and almost laughter when we get her out of bed in the morning.
The end of the first week of school, Andrew went into the office to work on some homework and I found him sleeping soon after. I think Emily hadn’t slept well the night before and he had to get up really early so he was due for a nap.
I still think she is the cutest sleeping baby in the world. She normally sleeps swaddled but she fell asleep while she was eating which turned into a prolonged nap. Those second-hand pajamas are made of organic cotton; Andrew discovered this one night and we had a very good chuckle over being eco-friendly parents. Or whatever type of parents we would be if we actually put forth effort into making sure all of Emily’s belongings were organic.
Emily’s first “owie”. I was trying to cut her finger nails while she was awake because they had become dangerously sharp and we couldn’t seem to remember while she was sleeping. She moved her hand just at the wrong moment and I cut the tip of her finger. She cried for 30 seconds. I cried for 10 minutes. It was rough. Andrew and I tried to get a band-aid to stay on her bleeding finger but after 3 attempts we gave up and just dealt with blood getting on her clothes and burp clothes. A few days later and she is good as new, which is a huge relief to my sad mother heart.
We now have 9 am church which means Sunday afternoons include naps! Emily had a hard time waking up from hers. She has a hard time waking up all the time actually. Soooooo cuuuuute!
Emily is mobile! I put her down with her head by the green ball (bottom left) and she wiggled her way across the rug! I had to move the coffee table to keep her from hitting her head. The good news is that she has no clue that she is moving around yet, so all I have to do is make sure she won’t slam into furniture. She kicks her legs and squirms her way around to new views.
Emily joins me for most of my cleaning projects. She hangs out in our ergo carrier while I do the dishes and stares at the drying rack while sucking on the strap of the carrier. Her favorite is laundry. Usually she gets really excited as I show her the clothes I’m folding. She also really enjoyed being wrapped up in the sheets as I was stripping the bed to wash them. There was lots of arm movement and a bit of yelling.
Action shot of the exclamations of excitement.
You have the cutest baby I’ve ever seen. So adorable!
Loooved this post! Your baby girl is sooo darling. That laundry shot is awesome.
Just out of curiosity, what were the 6 books you read? I’m always looking for a good read :)