Today Emily and I had a little girls trip after my doctors appointment and before we went grocery shopping. We had free parfaits from chick-fil-a during the month of October and since yogurt is just about her most favorite food, we thought it would be a fun adventure. I’m glad we took the time to do one more fun thing just the two of us.
Earlier this week I was feeling particularly crummy so we had a little out of the ordinary movie watching with popcorn. She chose Anastasia out of our collection, which is a really silly movie to watch with a two year old when you don’t feel good because I had to keep jumping off the couch to skip the scary Rasputen parts. We enjoyed the songs and about 20 minutes of the story before we were off doing something else.
Right before Emily was born Andrew and I repainted a dresser we got for free but never put the ugly gold handles back on. On Monday Emily and I spray painted them white and then on Tuesday she helped me put them on. It looks better than I thought it would, but I had insanely low expectations. Emily has been talking about screwing in the handles with her tiny screw driver and painting them ever since.
I had a baby shower on Saturday (thank you for all the wonderful boy clothes!) and Andrew and Emily did an engineering project while I was gone. Emily loves playing with the slide with Andrew. It has been a huge hit and continues to go through variations each day.
Andrew had a huge midterm paper to finish before Wednesday, and he and Emily put on the finishing touches together Saturday morning. The sight of them working on the computer together brought back memories from Emily’s early days when she often sat on Andrew’s lap while he did homework.
Emily loves sitting in the baby’s carseat buckled in. It is her favorite thing. This day she had played in her room for 1.5 hours but never took a nap. She was soooo tired and content to just eat apples and look at the user manual.
Reading the Book of Mormon together at the breakfast table. Emily loves looking at the pictures of Jesus in there and talking about the other pictures.
We are very lucky to have so many friends Emily’s age close by. She and this guy get along VERY well and have so much fun playing together. One of their favorite games (all of the two year olds favorite games) is to stand against the little panel next to the door and then run away and come back to their spot.
Emily popped on my shoes and walked around living room one morning. I was very surprised at just how well she could get around in them.
One of Emily’s favorite peek-a-boo spots. She usually plays here while we are getting ready for the day, after she finishes brushing her teeth and I’m still getting ready.
The other favorite peek-a-boo spot is her closet. I usually sit in the rocking chair and we have the following conversation: “Where’s Emily?” asks Emily. “Is she behind the chair?” “No.” “Is she in the dresser?” “No.” “Is she under the bed?” “No.” “Is she behind the door?” “No.” “Is she in the closet?” “YES! Peek-a-boo!!” And then we do it again. And again. That smile gets me every time.
The moment the door flies open for a grand “peek-a-boo”.
When we were doing laundry earlier this week Emily just climbed right into the basket. I’m amazed that this still amuses her since she’s been crawling in since she learned to crawl.
Andrew and I went to the Indianapolis temple a few weeks ago and left Emily with some friends who lived nearby. They sent us pictures of Emily eating on pharmacy textbooks and playing all sorts of fun games with them. We joined them for lunch after and Emily spent almost the entire time playing in front of the huge mirror in their living room. She was in her own world.
Andrew swinging Emily around and around by her arms while simultaneously taking a picture.
Andrew and Emily on a Sunday walk together.
Emily had her two year old check up the day after her birthday. Andrew graciously took her. She handled the shot fairly well but still talks about the shot and owie she got at the doctor. Andrew took this picture after all the trauma and she had been rewarded with a book.
I didn’t know about your baby shower! I’m sorry I didn’t come!