February was an absolute blur, but here are a few snapshots from our daily happenings.
Andrew found the hat that his family gave us before Emily was born (for Guido or Gwendolyn). We had her wear it for Halloween but it was HUGE on her little newborn head. Now it fits perfectly. Andrew was bouncing her up and down and she laughed and laughed and laughed.
Caught mid thumb sucking while standing, wearing something besides pajamas. Three big accomplishments, all in one shot!
Emily’s sleeping routines have been a bit off lately at night. She went from sleeping 10 hours straight through the night to waking up every 3-4-5 hours (depending on the night). During the day we sometimes get regularish naps and sometimes not. A weird pattern has begun to emerge though; after waking up around 4pm from a nap, Emily cries. A lot. So we’ve begun playing in the sink, splashing water on her feet, to act as a distraction. It works like a charm and Emily is happy to sit and stare at the water hitting her feet and wiggle her toes around.
Andrew and I have been involved with putting together the technical aspects (video and sound) of a special church meeting since returning from Christmas break. Last Saturday I needed to be at the church for about an hour for a rehearsal, which is by Walmart, so Andrew took Emily with him to go grocery shopping for the first time. He returned with our groceries AND this cute hat for Emily and a Dr. Seuss book. The only mishap was that he had to run for something at the back of the store while he was checking out. He grabbed Emily out of her car seat and took off running. That is the first time Emily has ever moved faster than a brisk walk and apparently she LOVED it. Andrew said she was laughing as her hair was blowing in the wind. Quite a picture. Andrew now tries to recreate the moment in our apartment by running with Emily in the 15 foot strip of walking space that we have in front of our door. It just isn’t the same I’m afraid, and Emily knows it.
Some bath time fun. We usually wash Emily’s hair in our little sink first and then switch over to a tub for her to splash around in for a bit (or for us to splash water on her). She was being super cute in the mirror, making excited sounds, smiling, and even a little bit of laughter. Once we pulled out the camera she pulled out her serious model face.
We finally got a slight smile! It took a lot of work on Andrew’s part and me hiding behind the door. Please notice the curly hair that I LOVE on my sweet girl.
This week I tried out a bumbo chair with Emily while I was making granola bars. She thought it was okay for a little bit, hitting the little table attachment vigorously and chewing on some toys. Then I glanced over in a moment of quiet and she looked SO BORED. Makes me laugh, every time.
This week Uncle Derick was able to email a little bit in real time. So we had him stop by for a “visit”. Emily happened to be having a diaper change…
…and then totally passed out for an afternoon nap.
A nap seems like a good idea.
what a cutie!