The kids had a lot of fun with these squishy balls – playing in the bathtub and then all over the entire downstairs. We ended their life outside filling up a plastic pool for the ultimate sensory experience.

My mom came to Connecticut to stay with the kids while Andrew and I flew down to Georgia for a whirlwind house buying trip. We looked at around 20 houses in two days and then made an offer before heading home. It was a high stress trip and I wasn’t feeling great, but we were able to make decisions quickly and figure out what mattered most to us in a house.

I flew by myself to Bettendorf Iowa celebrate Christine’s highschool graduation. We packed in setting up and experiencing her graduation party and watching her walk!

Friday night pizza night with sourdough pizza.

Lots of building and creating with furniture.

Fun faces with Laura.

The kids discovered another water leak – this time in our ceiling when our neighbors shower. Fortunately matainence was able to fix it quickly and we had yet another bonding experience with Keri and Hannah.

Making beds.

Went to a children’s museum with a giant whale out front. The kids enjoyed the hands on exibitis.

A trip to the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. We went here a few times with friends.

Emily loves getting her hair done and to see a picture of what it looks like.

Andrew and I flew to Georgia for a quick whirlwind house hunting trip while my mom stayed with the kids in Connecticut. In between looking at dozens of houses, we drank smoothies, ate at tzatzikis, and watched part of a fantastic beasts movie before falling asleep in our hotel.

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