The kids like pretending to be dogs and cats and use oatmeal as their food. They decided to add some honey to it for added deliciousness.
We tried making self portraits without lifting our markers.
Emily found a desk at goodwill that reminded her of the desk in Nancy Clancy. She was thrilled with the purchase and also quick to use it as part of her yarn designs.
Emily also made an elaborate bed out of a rocking chair and yarn for her baby.
One of the current favorite activities is making things out of clay. Nathan has been making maps that they can follow in their adventures.
We made a kindness jar and wrote down each night the kind things that everyone was doing.
Cans are a huge plaything right now as we are still unpacking and getting settled in.
We experimented with making a little house out of our teepee poles and boxes that the kids could play in.
In addition to clay, playdough has been all the rage. The kids tell stories with the creations they make.
We are loving the botanical gardens and have gone to the playground a few times this month.
Nathan’s broom is often a gun while he is Pa from little house on the prairie.
The kids turn the porch into a house and collect leaves and berries for food.
We arrived to a garden with growing things! We topped off the soil and added compost and planted some things of our own.
We had a family party and celebrated all the things we love about being Jacksons.
We are enjoying neighborhood bike rides on the Madsen bike and getting to know the area a bit better.
We went to the Atlanta Temple. Andrew and I take turns going inside while we got to a park with the kids or explore the temple grounds.
We discovered horn worms that eat the entire tomato plant overnight.
I took the kids to the UGA Museum of Art. After all of the museums we went to at Yale it was nice to find a familiar place to explore.
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